The End and The Beginning

Ah, 2011. The Year from Hell.

Though, honestly, it was the year from hell partly because I kept pushing on things that I should have just let go with the flow.

Good Things that Happened: Was promoted to a full-time design position; Got artwork displayed in a gallery; learned to play guitar; found out people enjoy my singing; took a few short solo trips-- particularly a reviving one to the beach in September; and more.

Hard Lessons that got (or are in the process of being) Conquered: Don't listen to other people's opinions on what will make you happy; Running to a new place or job every time you feel lost isn't the answer, even if it has worked for the past 10 years or so; You can only be who you are and can only stretch your comfort zone so quickly; Lost a lot of people and pets this year; It's harder to mourn people who are still living than the dead;

Basically, 2011 was a lesson in taking control of life and how much one can really overcome. As for 2012, overall goal is going to be "connection". With people, with friends, in the networking sense-- it's something I've kind of lost in all the past years of moving back and forth. When you don't expect to be somewhere long, you don't really connect to people. But you have to. So there's my New Year's Resolution: Connect, be a better friend, learn to open up to people again.

Happy New Year! ♥

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